Are you looking for automotive service near center Tinley Park, IL? Come on down to Cooper Service for all of your auto repairs. Cooper Service provides auto and diesel repair services to customers near center Tinley Park, IL. We provide peace of mind at a fair price you can trust. Many of the services offered include engine repairs, electrical repairs, emissions repair, exhaust repair, heater repair, computer repair, tires, tune up, transmission repair, brakes, alignments, and scheduled maintenance just to name some of the work our trusty mechanics are capable of handling. We are a family-owned business and take pride in the services we provide to our customers. Celebrating over 60 years of service so come on down to Cooper Service for all of your automotive service needs near center Tinley Park, IL.
Discovering a quality auto repair shop that is going to get the job done right without ripping you off is sometimes like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Most of the time we run into a car issued and we immediately take it to the first repair shop we come across out of desperation. Without taking the time to see how the auto repair shop has upheld their customer service throughout the time their business has been up and running or what kind of quality service they have provided for customers in the past. Stop being in such a hurry to take your valuable vehicle to just any repair shop so you can get back on the road out of convenience not knowing what kind of work you’re really getting done to your vehicle. Cooper Service is a well-respected quality auto repair company dedicated to guaranteeing your vehicle is receiving quality repairs, parts, and services at the best possible price available. So, if you’re in the need of automotive service near center Tinley Park, IL come on down to Cooper Service.

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